Song for the month

December 2022

Win Or Lose, Sink Or Swim
One Thing Is Certain We’ll Never Give In
Side By Side, Hand In Hand
We All Stand Together

Play The Game, Fight The Fight
But What’s The Point On A Beautiful Night?
Arm In Arm, Hand In Hand
We All Stand Together

Keeping Us Warm In The Night
La La La La
Walk In The Night
You’ll Get It Right

Win Or Lose, Sink Or Swim
One Thing Is Certain We’ll Never Give In
Side By Side, Hand In Hand
We All Stand Together

We All Stand Together – Paul McCartney & The Frog Chorus

December = Paul McCartney and the Frog Chorus… I have loved this song ever since I was a child, and I always will…and YES, it IS a Christmas song!

Too many delightful things about this song to mention. Instead, I just recommend that everyone watches the video and allows themselves to be swept away in the joy 😊

Song for the Month

November 2022

You didn’t think that I’d come back
I’d come back swinging
You try to break me but you see what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller

Stronger – Kelly Clarkson

November by the sea

I’m so lucky to live by the sea, and this particular afternoon I was off work and took the pooch for a sandy stroll… the sea was glorious with waves rolling and white horses galloping to the shore…the pooch had the zoomies, and I admit I too was filled with renewed optimism after some rough weeks. What doesn’t kill you does indeed make you stronger!

Song of the Month


‘Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, I’m gonna try with a little help from my friends.’

The Beatles – With a Little Help From My Friends

It’s so true that we all need someone to help us sometimes. I’ve found this to be true this month as it’s already been rather tricky…BUT I know I’m gonna be okay because I have the best of peeps around me and together we are gonna keep each other going and even when it’s feeling gloomy we’re gonna find the sunshine and keep smiling throughout.

Song of the Month


‘The future’s in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change.’

The Scorpions – Wind of Change

An apt song for the start of any new year, but this year it feels especially so…there’s so much going on in the world, so much uncertainty, upheaval. On a personal note I’ve started a new course at uni, I’ve a new project at work and I’m trying a new approach to my running…I want to see if I can do things I’ve never done before, achieve new goals, stretch my horizons and open new possibilities, that means heading out of my comfort zone…so here goes, I’m gonna build me a windmill, feel free to join me!

What’s in a word?

It was my birthday on Friday, yep I’ve achieved mumblemumble years old…hurrah! My sister, knowing my love of words, bought me this wondeful book by Kate Hodges.

There are so many languages in the world, and I find it just fascinating how a whole sentence in one language, describing a feeling, a particular event or situation can be summed up in just one word in a different language…and then in another language the word means something altogether different again!

Lieko (lee-ay-ko)

A Finnish noun meaning a tree that has fallen…sometimes into a marsh/lake… and ultimately left to rot (rather sorrowful).

In Latvian Leiko translates as the word ‘Remains’ in English.

In Japanese Leiko can be used as a girl’s name…meaning Arrogant and/or of analytical mind.

A Lieko I found today!

Walking round the room singing stormy weather…

I read an article in which Crowded House vocalist Neil Finn reportedly said the song Weather With You is all about how we create our own environment with our feelings and outlook on life. Now, I’ve no idea if he really said that (hey let’s face it the internet is full of stories which aren’t always true – shock horror!) but I do think the concept is pretty spot on.

Let’s face it, we’ve all been in one of ‘those’ moods, when it doesn’t matter what’s going on around us nothing is going to make us smile and we are going to find fault everything – even in ourselves, sometimes especially in ourselves. Yet the next day, or week we’ll be in similar circumstances and the world will seem a better place – because we’re in a more positive frame of mind.

Psychologists tell us all the time that ‘optimism breeds success’. Type that very phrase into the internet and you’ll find article upon article about how optimism supports creative thinking as it allows a person to think ‘outside the box’, adapting to circumstances and looking forward always to ‘what could be’. We are told how a person whose outlook is a rosy one will have the resilience to manage setbacks and obstacles by seeing what positives there are in a situation and then moving on, trying something new. Enid Blyton, my favourite childhood author, is quoted as once writing “The best way to treat obstacles is to use them as stepping stones. Laugh at them, tread on them and let them lead you to something better”.

There are so many quotes and words of wisdom I could share here, which try to capture the important essence of optimism, of positivity. So, in honour of the marvellous Crowded House, here are a few of my favourites, with a weather theme:

  • Keep your face always toward the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you – Walt Whitman
  • When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine – anon
  • Try to be the rainbow in someone’s cloud – Maya Angelou
  • If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely – Roald Dahl
  • When it rains look for rainbows, when it’s dark look for stars – anon

So here’s to seeing the silver lining in that cloud and knowing that in every garden of life a little rain must fall but that it helps our flowers grow and bloom in all their glory… stay positive peeps xx

Today in my garden…

I mowed the lawn, yeah ok so it looks like a drunken barber’s been at it with the clippers but it’s a start. I have a feeling I’ll have to do a touch up at the weekend as well, my word that grass was sooooo very long! With that done the garden already looks better and I can start seeing it again, if you know what I mean?

I’ve edged the main flower bed and weeded that, as well as the patio. I emptied multiple pots and pruned the roses which were in desperate need, poor things they’ve been rather neglected of late.

My boys bought me Dahlias and a bucket of Chillis for Mother’s Day so I’ve planted them up as well and given them a good soak. The hose is broken which is immensely irritating but I had my trusty watering can to hand so it was all good!

I’ve decided to make a new flower bed under the apple tree but I’m thinking not to make it too formal but try to keep it more ‘cottage garden’ style…I’ve just got to find the right shade loving plants that are pretty and robust – that must mean a trip to the garden centre…Ooooh don’t mind if I do!

The garden is full of colour – the pretty deep pink camelia, pale pink tulips and lavender blue of the rosemary…not to mention the differing greens of my roses tinged with red, the lupins and irises which have tripled in size and the bright green of the Lilac tree…my garden is speaking to my soul – and I’m loving its words xx

A weed is but an unloved flower…

The sun shone down warmly yesterday and with the day off work I took a moment to enjoy outside. I sat looking at our garden, a rather dismal scene:

  • the grass is so long I swear you could park a tank on the lawn and it would be hard to spot!
  • there are more weeds in the gravel patio than there is gravel.
  • My lovely wooden bench is finally falling apart after 10years.

Our beautiful garden is no longer beautiful – except…

The Camelia has bloomed like never before, so much so that it’s drooping under the weight of the flowers, the lilac has grown twice the size and has lots of buds which I can’t wait to open into it’s pretty white flowers and our pots are full of sweet smelling purple and pink tulips, hyacinths and happy yellow daffys…

Our garden is, I think, much like life; there’s a plan but most of the time it’s a bit disorderly and doesn’t follow the rules! Left unchecked it can get totally out of hand and often feels a little chaotic BUT… whatever is happening there’s always some beauty, some moment of magic and inspiration waiting to shine…

Yesterday as I bemoaned the mess and the weeds I noticed the abundance of dandelions in the gravel. As I looked at them with their glorious gold faces turned to shine in the sun, their happy vibrancy made me smile and forget for a moment that they were weeds…

AA Milne said “Weeds are flowers too once you get to know them”…I wonder if he had Dandelions in mind at the time?